In early July 1986, Antonio Petschen Zapirain, Industrial Engineer, completed his contract with Associated Construction Companies SA (ECA), the result of the association of the top 5 companies Catalan and Catalan Gas industry, as Director of Production of 2 works in Algeria, 2 mills flour and meal of 100 tons / day line and two grain silos of 100,000 tons each, decides to try his fortune and founds Xedex Construction SA.
Started his career with minor works as pedestrian fords and small municipal building renovations, for the District of Example, gradually expanding its customer base while the size of the contracted works, always with the motto of providing quality, time and price , in that order, to customer satisfaction.
A qualitative and quantitative, was the hiring of three iconic works in the years 87-90, a house in the Architects Vallvidrera Artigas and Ramon Ramon Sanabria, a building and showroom houses Mobilplast Administration Architects SA ......... ....................... and housing and study for the architect Oscar Tusquets.
New contracts with Cuatrecasas, La Caixa, who become loyal customers, give strength and prestige to the company, so that gradually the consolidated company as efficient rehabilitation and construction of high quality family homes.
The variety of types and a continued increase of production based on word of mouth, reached its zenith in 2008, with production touches that year € 20 million, and that the severe crisis has lowered to half with which expected to close in 2012.
This crisis has not prevented to offer this year, as a token of our work, the complete restoration of Sant Manel Pavilion at Hospital de la Santa Creu and Sant Pau, in joint venture with SL Coll, under the DF team of architects Victor Argenti, Albert Casals and Jose Luis Gonzalez, and we have reflected this in the calendar year 2013, as every year at Christmas we released to compliment Customer, faculty and corporate partners.
Made in the generational Petschen Olivé Antonio as Director General, on the one hand the demand for quality car, and on the other the continued increase in reserves in the balance sheet of the company, which has earned the trust of the banks we work with , gives us confidence in overcoming the current crisis, which we expect to start out in this 2013.
We depend on our customers, our prestigious industrial enthusiasts and our partners work well done, so they were all very grateful.
We remain available to all staff for visiting ampliarles knowledge of our company, with the delivery of care and review our performance catalog.