Construction Xedex, SA, is a company founded on July 2, 1986, dedicated to all types of building works.
We highlight our adaptability to different sizes and rhythms of work from maintenance work and renovations, rehabilitation of commercial, residential and office to build new buildings and restoration of architectural heritage, thereby taking volumes and terms of works highly variable.
Construction Xedex, SA, employs more than 50 employees including directors chiefs of work, managers, personal office and personal work.
The technical team consists of: three architects, two industrial engineers, 5 Technical Architects.
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Muchas felicidades a todo el equipo por esta obra y es pecialmente ahora por haber sido escogida esta Rehabilitación del Mas de Melons, obra realizada por Constructora XEDEX, finalista en la 4a Mostra d'Arquitectura de Lleida en la categoría de Rehabilitación.